I love summer movies in my backyard. I have the perfect little space for about 10 to 12 of my friends to enjoy whatever is on my must see list. It’s a simple and inexpensive way to entertain and guests absolutely love it…And, with a new indie film out by one of my all time favorite artists, this is a perfect excuse to not only put in a little plug for the film Killing Lazarus (see trailer below), but also give you a few tips on hosting your own backyard movie night.

First things first, you have to get a projector. I, personally, have owned one for years, but if you don’t have access to one, you can find one anywhere from Target to Best Buy. I’m sure someone who knows more about A/V would have all sorts of tips on this one, but for me, I just have a basic projector that I connect to my laptop.
For the screen, I like the homespun feel of simply hanging a white bed sheet with clothespins from twine or rope. You can rent or buy screens too, of course.
For seating, I have some existing backyard furniture, myself, but I also recommend bringing in oversized pillows and blankets. Or even ask your guests to bring their own. I love the ones from Found Rentals if you want the design of the evening to be cohesive or if you prefer to rent, but again, any pillows and blankets will do.
For snacks, I stick to movie classics. I like to display rustic baskets of popcorn at each blanket and seat as well a create a little candy display with movie theatre sized boxes from Target. And, for drinks, a simple galvanized bucket filled with pretty bottled sodas are perfect.
That’s it! Super simple and I promise you, it’s the type of party that definitely sparks nostalgia for most guests making it a guaranteed hit!
And, now for the film I’m personally going to be showing at my next shindig, Killing Lazarus. It’s a thriller/drama with (rumor has it) a majorly shocking ending. It’s the perfect movie to show at home as it’s live streaming from Vimeo for $5.99 starting this Sunday, August 2nd. Check it out!