Today I’m leaving Hawaii after the third wedding in a year for the same family and I have to take a moment to reminisce…The Dillavous had the crazy coincidence of three of their children getting engaged and marrying all within eight months and I’ve had the honor to be a part of every minute. Pardon me if I gush, but I have to say, I’ve literally fallen in love with this family in our time together. Superficially, they’ve contributed to salaries for my team and many of the artists we work with. They’ve made sure every single guest at each wedding didn’t leave without knowing my name hence helping me further grow my client base. And, they’ve simply allowed me to be as creative as possible with each of their visions. But that’s the very least of the reasons I love them so. On a deeper level, I’ve fallen in love with the way Kitty’s eyes light up when Sweet Caroline plays every. single. time. How Big Jim perfectly matches his bow tie to each wedding. How Morgan and Chris are not only gracious and kind but one of the most beautiful couples I’ve ever worked with. Claire and Dan are the type who inspires everyone they meet to be better people all around. And, I love how Cameron is this strong, successful woman who is supported by the quiet confidence of Bart knowing that he truly has found the most beautiful partner for him in the world. And, while Little Jim & Rebecca’s wedding was before my time, I love that after three major events with them, I think I’ve FINALLY won them over. All of these beautiful couples are special in their own way and I’m so lucky to have them in my world. I could go on and on but ultimately I’ve fallen in love with how openly they’ve invited me into their family and how much faith and trust they’ve instilled in me over the year. It hasn’t felt like work for one single minute.

I know it’s  cliche to say, but I’m so blessed to do what I do. I literally said to my assistant this week, “if I wasn’t able to plan weddings any longer, a huge piece of me would die.” I know, I know, what a drama queen, right?! But, it’s the truth. 10 years ago, this career found me and never let me go. Through periods of burn out and times when I was unbalanced and ungrateful, it clung to me tightly. In this career, I’ve seen the world, witnessed some of the greatest acts of love and get to live my passion of designing beautiful environments-ones worthy of a commitment such as marriage. When I say I’m obsessed with my clients, it’s an understatement. Words can never describe what a gift the Dillavous and each of my beautiful couples give me every day.

While, I know this isn’t my typical content of design, planning and all things pretty, I just had to share my gratitude with all of you and simply bask in the amazing journey I live on a daily basis. To all of you reading this, I hope you are able to love your life as much as I do mine. And, if you don’t yet, I wish you the courage and perseverance to design one you do love living. You deserve everything you want in this life. Always remember that. And, once you find that which makes you love your life, may you be blessed with a family as amazing as the Dillavous to support and believe in you the way they have me.