Then just the other night I had a dream that when I went for my dress fitting the dress was too short, by about a foot! It was as if the dress had been made for someone else entirely! Fortunately, in my dream, it must have been the first dress fitting because there was time to send it back and make it over again.
I get to go in for my real first fitting in about a month, so hopefully that dream doesn’t come true!
I have nice daydreams sometimes too though. Just the other day I was driving home from work and randomly pictured the moment we both say “I do,” and it actually made me a little teary. Cheesey, I know, but I really am so excited to marry Ryan and little moments like that, when I think about our wedding day and smile, make the long planning process all worth it!
Speaking of planning, this week is going to be very exciting for us. Ryan’s mom is in town for a visit, so we will be showing her the wedding venue and visiting some possible rehearsal dinner restaurants. Since I’m taking a day off work for the trip up to LA, we are also having our tasting with the caterer, which I am really looking forward to, and a cake tasting at one bakery option – all the fun stuff!