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For those of you who don’t know, we have a sister company called The Good Beginning that I couldn’t be prouder of. The Good Beginning is an online registry where couples can choose to register for donations to charitable organizations throughout the world in lieu of or in addition to that toaster or salad bowl one might normally ask for. We’ve been up and running for about 2 years now and have raised over $350,000 for charities throughout the world. See our little graphic below for more fun little stats.

Not only is the registry beautiful, easy to use and a great spot to streamline the giving process for your wedding day, but the site is also filled with beautiful inspiration from socially conscious contributors throughout the wedding industry, influencers in the blogging and Instagram community and more. So, even if you’re not sure the registry is the right fit for you, I assure you there are lots and lots of ideas coming your way of how to be socially responsible throughout the wedding journey, designing your first home together or even just some great ideas for a fun date night that also happens to give back.

I hope you’ll spend some time checking it out and sharing it with everyone you know. And, if you have any interest in contributing or featuring The Good Beginning in some way, please email