I was never one of those girls who dreamt about getting married. I never put a pillowcase on top of my head or dazed off into la-la land thinking about meeting my Prince Charming. In fact, when I met Grant on April 2nd, 2008, I told him on one of our first dates that I “never wanted to get married.” Perhaps this is because I am quite aware of how hard marriage can be. I knew that in order to make a marriage as strong as possible, then I would have to offer the absolute strongest, best version of myself and for me, this would require more time. Of course, we can’t really plan out life can we? Looking back at my thoughts I can’t help but laugh knowing what I know now. Grant has made me into the woman that I long ago dreamt to be. Grant has made me believe in marriage and he makes me feel strong, safe and at peace with life. Turns out I found my Prince Charming after all and this weekend we will be married.
The last week leading into your wedding will be the craziest week of your life. It is 100% all you think about. For all of you brides, if you can manage to squeeze a few extra pennies from your budget, save up for a much needed massage one week prior to your nuptials. Trust me, you will need it. There were so many small details that needed to be finalized this week. I picked up my wedding dress and we got our adorable bow ties in for the groomsmen and “ring bearer”. We’ve started collecting everything for the hotels and personal artifacts for the reception. My home office looks like a wedding sweatshop, but as of next Monday I am going to hand in my “bride to be” planning cap and switch into “Bride” mode where all I do is enjoy every single moment. That’s what this is all about right?

I close my eyes and can’t help but smile when I picture our wedding day. It makes me feel more happiness that I ever knew possible. I can’t imagine what the actual day will feel like, but I am ready for it. Come rain, shine, fires in the kitchen, wine on the dress … whatever, I am happy. And I cannot wait to share the happiness with you after we get in all of our photographs. Until then. . .